Conditional Validation
Our requirement is that when notification is set to phone then the phonenumber FormControl should be a required field and if it is set to email then phonenumber FormControl should not have any validation.
formValueChanged() { const shipAddress= this.loginForm.get('shipAddress'); this.loginForm.get('notification').valueChanges.subscribe( (mode: string) => { console.log(mode); if (mode === 'phone') { shipAddress.setValidators([Validators.required]); } else{ shipAddress.clearValidators(); } shipAddress.updateValueAndValidity(); }); }
Calling method
Calling the formValueChanged method in the ngOnInit should now look like this:
ngOnInit() { this.loginForm ={ name: [null, Validators.required], billAdrresss: [null, [Validators.required, Validators.maxLength(8)]], isShipDiffrent: [false], shipAddress: [null] }); this.formValueChanged(); }