How to Revert to Old Editor in WordPress

WordPress is a popular CRM. Where you can manage the content in a simple way and it is user friendly. Updates in WordPress kept coming but a new update has come in which the way of editor the content has changed. The user was a friendly of the previous editor, so he was getting a little problem and many people, through such shift will experience problems. Yeah, a few people just don't grasp the new editorial manager and aren't ready to spend the time to know it.

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How create, edit and delete database user in DirectAdmin control panel?

I am going to share you how to create, edit and delete database user in DirectAdmin control panel. A control panel for web hosting is a GUI(graphical user interface) offered by a web hosting provider that allows users to access their servers and hosting services.Hosting company provide different-different control panel. DirectAdmin control panel is one of them. You can manage you site files, email, database , domain etc

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